Why Is My Cat Drooling: 10 Reasons

Why Is My Cat Drooling

Have you ever been enjoying a peaceful moment with your cat curled up next to you when all of a sudden you notice tiny droplets collecting on their chin? Although at first glance you might think it’s cute, the first thing you should know about cats drooling is that it could be an indication of something serious. Since cats aren’t known to drool like dogs do, when it does happen, it’s worth looking into.

Therefore, don’t worry if you’ve been wondering, “Why is my cat drooling?” as we’ll reveal ten typical explanations for this behavior. Let’s explore the different causes of your kitty companion leaving wet patches on your lap, from happy purring to possible health issues!

10 Reasons Behind Cat Drooling

1. Oral or dental disease

Your cat might be drooling a lot because of a problem with its teeth or mouth. This happens often when cats have swollen gums, gum disease, a lot of tartar on their teeth, or cavities. They might also show other signs like:

  • Chewing on one side of their mouth or grinding their teeth
  • Seeing blood in their spit
  • Feeling a lot of pain when they eat
  • Dropping food while they eat
  • Preferring soft food over hard food
  • Bad smell from their mouth or drool
  • Swelling under their eye (this could mean there’s a problem with their teeth)

Only the vet can figure out exactly what’s wrong and give the right medicine.

2. Your Cat is Not well

Cats are really good at hiding when they’re hurting. So, if your cat drools a lot, it might mean they’re in pain and need help. It could be a sign of different health problems, like mouth pain or sickness all over their body. It’s super important to notice any changes in your cat’s behavior, like drooling, because it could mean something’s wrong with their health.

3. Upper Respiratory Infection

If you notice your cat drooling along with coughing and sneezing, it could mean they have an infection in their nose or throat. This infection can also make their eyes watery, cause sores on their tongue, and make their nose run. They might lose their appetite and refuse to eat or drink. Visiting a veterinarian is important because they can give your cat the right medication to treat the specific infection causing these symptoms.

4. Your Cat Investigate Something Unpleasant

Cats will drool a lot and vomit if they unintentionally eat poison. They will salivate to wash away the flavor of everything they eat that tastes awful, just as people drool after eating something horrible. Due to their extremely delicate sense of taste, cats can be very choosy about the foods they eat. Their ability to perceive bitter flavors alerts them to any poisons in their food, so drooling serves as a protective mechanism!

5. Cat Drooling Because of Nausea

Drooling is a very common behavior displayed by cats who are queasy. Eating too much at once, eating too quickly, or having too much acid in the stomach can all make cats feel queasy. Additionally, vomiting may be a sign of some illnesses including kidney disease, poisoning, or consuming the wrong foods (string, certain plants, etc.).

Within a day, the drooling and nausea should go away. If the cat drools for more than a day, make an appointment with your veterinarian to have your pet examined. You should consult a veterinarian right once if the vomiting coincides with the drooling.

6. Cats Feeling Anxious Over Something Unfamiliar

Cats like routines and don’t like sudden changes. Being in a new place or situation can make them feel scared. For example, putting them in a carrier and taking them to the vet in a car can stress them out. Even though cats seem simple, car rides can make them feel sick, causing them to drool a lot. To help them relax, you can get them used to short trips and make sure they’re comfy in their carrier. You can also ask your vet for tips to reduce their anxiety during rides.

7. There’s Something Stuck in Their Throat or Stomach

Drooling in cats can also result from foreign body blockage in the stomach or gastrointestinal tract. Drooling may result from an object in the throat that prevents the saliva from being swallowed properly, which can make breathing difficult. Should the object become lodged in the gastrointestinal tract, it could result in drooling and vomiting and may need to be surgically removed.

See your veterinarian right away for a physical examination if you think your cat may have something stuck in their throat or digestive system. If the object is not accessible through the mouth, the veterinarian may need to take X-rays in addition to trying to remove it from your cat’s mouth.

8. Your Cat is Overheated

One reason your cat might be drooling is because of heatstroke. This can happen if your cat is outside when it’s really hot or if it’s left in a car, even on days that don’t seem too hot. When cats get too hot, their bodies can’t control their temperature or stay hydrated well, which makes them drool a lot. If you’re not sure if it’s heatstroke, look out for other signs like heavy breathing and a fast heartbeat. Call the vet right away; your cat might need fluids through a tube to get hydrated and feel better.

9. Cat Drooling Because of Injury

Injuries like broken jaws or burns from chewing wires can make your cat drool a lot and feel really hurt. If you see your cat drooling a lot and being extra sensitive when you touch them, it might mean they’re seriously hurt.

Make sure to call your vet right away to find out what’s wrong and give your cat the care they need to feel better, while also making sure they’re not in too much pain.

10. Your Cat is Happy and Relaxed

Surprisingly, there are positive responses to the question “Why is my cat drooling?” Your cat may be displaying signs of contentment and relaxation. One adorable characteristic of cats is that they knead to express their happiness, in addition to drooling. To avoid getting drooled on, put a towel or washcloth under them while caressing them if their saliva bothers you.


In conclusion, there are various reasons why your cat might be drooling, ranging from harmless quirks of their personality to potential health concerns. Understanding these reasons can help you determine whether your cat’s drooling is normal or a cause for concern. Remember to observe your cat’s behavior and seek veterinary advice if you notice any changes or signs of illness. With proper care and attention, you can ensure your cat stays happy and healthy.


Hello there! I'm Madhav Mantri, the person behind this PetSavvy Solution blog. I'm a digital marketer and a pet enthusiast too! I spend my time making sure everything here is interesting and helpful for you and your pets. I love sharing cool stuff about pets, from the latest trends to heartwarming stories and useful tips to keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

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