How To Stop Seizures In Dogs Immediately

Seizures in Dogs

Watching your dog experience a seizure can be a terrifying and overwhelming experience for any pet owner. Seizures in dogs can occur suddenly and without warning, leaving owners feeling helpless and unsure of what to do. However, understanding how to recognize the signs of a seizure and knowing the immediate steps to take can make a significant difference in your dog’s well-being.

In this guide, we will explore effective methods to how to stop seizures in dogs promptly and efficiently. From understanding the causes of seizures to learning practical techniques for managing them, we’ll provide you with the essential knowledge and tools to help your canine companion during a seizure emergency.

So, let’s delve into the vital information on how to stop seizures in dogs and ensure the safety and comfort of your beloved pet.

What is Seizures in Dogs?

Seizures in dogs are sudden, uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in the brain. Just like in humans, they can happen for various reasons and can affect dogs of any age, breed, or size. During a seizure, a dog may experience convulsions, muscle spasms, drooling, and loss of consciousness. It can be scary to witness, but it’s essential to stay calm and ensure the dog’s safety by removing any nearby objects that could harm them.

Types of Dog Seizures

1. Generalized Seizures

When most of a dog’s brain has weird electric activity, they have generalized seizures. These are what most people think of when they hear about seizures in dogs. There are three parts to these seizures:

Before the seizure (aura): Some dogs seem to sense something odd before a seizure happens. It’s like a warning sign. People who have seizures sometimes see, smell, or feel strange things before a seizure. Dogs might act restless, do weird things, or stare blankly before it happens.

During the seizure (ictal phase): This is the actual seizure. Dogs often have tonic-clonic seizures, where they:

  • Don’t know what’s happening around them.
  • Fall over and get stiff.
  • Move their legs like they’re paddling.
  • Might pee or poop.

Some dogs might have other types of seizures, like:

  • Generalized tonic seizures (just stiffness, no paddling)
  • Generalized clonic seizures (just paddling, no stiffness)
  • Generalized seizures without stiffness or paddling (they just lose consciousness for a bit)

After the seizure (post-ictal phase): Once the seizure stops, dogs go through a phase where they might feel dull, tired, restless, wobbly, or even temporarily blind. This phase can last from a few minutes to a few hours. Longer and stronger seizures usually mean a longer and more intense post-seizure phase.

2. Partial Seizures

Partial seizures are different. They happen when only one part or a few parts of the brain act weirdly. Dogs with partial seizures might show strange movements in just one part of their body. For example, one leg might kick over and over, or they might lick their lips or snap at the air.

There are two types of partial seizures:

  • When the dog doesn’t seem different mentally, it’s called a “focal” or “partial motor” seizure.
  • When the dog’s awareness changes during the seizure, it’s called a complex partial seizure or psychomotor seizure.

Dogs with partial seizures might also have before and after phases, but these are usually not as severe as with generalized seizures.

Causes of Seizures in Dogs

Causes of Seizures in Dogs

Seizures in dogs can happen for various reasons. Here are some of the common ones:

1. Infections or inflammation in the brain

2. Brain cancer

3. Head injuries

4. Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia)

5. Liver problems

6. Low blood calcium levels (Hypocalcemia)

7. Kidney failure

8. Lack of oxygen in the blood

9. Lead or organophosphate poisoning

10. Ingesting antifreeze

11. Hydrocephalus (Fluid buildup in the brain)

12. Heatstroke

These are just some of the reasons why dogs might have seizures. However, if a dog keeps having seizures and the vet can’t find a specific cause, they might diagnose it with primary epilepsy.

Different causes of seizures can happen at different stages of a dog’s life. For example, puppies might get hydrocephalus or hypoglycemia, while older dogs are more prone to brain cancer. Dogs with primary epilepsy typically start having seizures between the ages of 1 and 4 years old.

Symptoms of Seizures in Dogs

Seizures in dogs can be scary, both for the dog and for their owners. Knowing the signs can help you understand what’s happening and how to help your furry friend. Here are some common symptoms of seizures in dogs:

1. Uncontrollable Shaking or Trembling:

During a seizure, a dog’s body may shake or tremble uncontrollably. This shaking can be mild or severe and may affect the entire body or just certain parts, like the legs.

2. Stiffness or Rigidity:

Some dogs may become stiff or rigid during a seizure. Their muscles may tense up, and they may have difficulty moving or bending their limbs.

3. Loss of Consciousness:

Many dogs lose consciousness during a seizure. They may appear unresponsive and unaware of their surroundings. Some dogs may also collapse or fall to the ground.

4. Excessive Drooling or Foaming at the Mouth:

Seizures can cause dogs to drool excessively or foam at the mouth. This is often due to excessive saliva production or difficulty swallowing during the seizure.

5. Paddling or Jerking Movements:

Dogs may exhibit paddling or jerking movements with their limbs during a seizure. These movements can be rhythmic or sporadic and may occur on one side of the body or both.

6. Vocalization:

Some dogs may vocalize during a seizure, making sounds like whining, barking, or howling. These vocalizations can vary in intensity and duration.

7. Involuntary Urination or Defecation:

Seizures can cause dogs to lose control of their bladder or bowels. They may urinate or defecate involuntarily during the episode.

8. Confusion or Disorientation:

After a seizure, dogs may appear confused or disoriented. They may wander aimlessly, have difficulty standing or walking, or exhibit other signs of confusion.

9. Postictal Phase:

Following a seizure, dogs may enter a postictal phase characterized by disorientation, weakness, or lethargy. This phase can last for minutes to hours and may vary in intensity from one seizure to the next.

Dog Breeds That Are More at Risk for Seizures

Seizures, where a dog’s body shakes and twitches uncontrollably, can affect any dog, but some breeds are more prone to them than others. If you’re considering bringing home a new furry friend and want to be aware of potential health issues, knowing which breeds are at higher risk for seizures can be helpful. Here are some dog breeds that are more prone to seizures:


This friendly and active breed is unfortunately more prone to epilepsy, a condition that can cause seizures. While seizures can be managed with medication, it’s something to be aware of if you’re considering getting a Labrador.

Golden Retriever:

Like their Labrador cousins, Golden Retrievers are also at a higher risk for epilepsy and seizures. Their loving nature makes them wonderful family pets, but it’s important to be prepared for potential health issues.

German Shepherd:

Known for their intelligence and loyalty, German Shepherds can also be prone to seizures. Regular check-ups and keeping an eye out for any unusual behavior can help catch seizures early and manage them effectively.


Beagles are lovable and energetic dogs, but they can also be predisposed to seizures. If you have a Beagle, it’s important to keep an eye on their health and consult with a vet if you notice any signs of seizures.


Poodles, whether standard, miniature, or toy, are known for their intelligence and hypoallergenic coats. However, they can also be susceptible to seizures. Regular veterinary care and a healthy lifestyle can help manage this risk.

Siberian Husky:

With their striking appearance and independent nature, Siberian Huskies are popular pets. However, they are also among the breeds more prone to seizures. Providing them with regular exercise and mental stimulation can help keep them healthy and happy.

Irish Setter:

These beautiful and lively dogs can unfortunately be predisposed to seizures. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and attentive veterinary care can help minimize the risk and manage seizures effectively.

Cocker Spaniel:

Known for their silky coats and affectionate personalities, Cocker Spaniels can also be prone to seizures. Keeping them physically and mentally stimulated, as well as regular vet check-ups, can help maintain their overall health.

How To Prevent Seizures in Dogs

Preventing seizures in dogs involves taking good care of their health and avoiding known triggers. Here are some steps you can take to help prevent seizures in your furry friend:

1. Regular Veterinary Check-ups:

Take your dog to the vet for regular check-ups. This helps catch any underlying health issues early on, which could lead to seizures.

2. Proper Nutrition:

Feed your dog a balanced diet with high-quality food. Make sure they get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Avoid feeding them foods that are toxic to dogs, like chocolate, grapes, and certain nuts.

3. Keep Them Hydrated:

Always provide fresh, clean water for your dog to drink. Dehydration can sometimes trigger seizures, so it’s important to keep them hydrated, especially during hot weather or after exercise.

4. Regular Exercise:

Regular exercise helps keep your dog’s body and mind healthy. Make sure they get plenty of physical activity every day, whether it’s a walk, a game of fetch, or some playtime in the backyard.

5. Stress Management:

Dogs can get stressed just like humans, and stress can sometimes trigger seizures. Try to minimize stress in your dog’s life by providing a safe and comfortable environment, keeping to a routine, and giving them plenty of love and attention.

6. Medication Compliance:

If your dog has been prescribed medication for a health condition, make sure to give it to them as directed by your vet. Skipping doses or stopping medication abruptly can sometimes trigger seizures.

7. Avoid Known Triggers:

If your dog has specific triggers that seem to cause seizures, do your best to avoid them. This could include things like certain foods, environmental factors, or activities that seem to set off seizures.

8. Manage Underlying Health Conditions:

If your dog has any underlying health conditions that could lead to seizures, work closely with your vet to manage them effectively. This might involve medication, dietary changes, or other treatments.

9. Monitor for Symptoms:

Keep an eye out for any changes in your dog’s behavior or health that could indicate they’re about to have a seizure. Early intervention can sometimes help prevent seizures from occurring or reduce their severity.

How To Stop Seizures in Dogs Immediately Natural

When your dog has a seizure, it can be scary, but there are some things you can do to help them right away. Here are some steps to follow to stop seizures in dogs naturally:

1. Stay Calm:

It’s important to stay calm during a seizure. Your dog can sense your emotions, and staying calm can help them feel more secure.

2. Ensure Safety:

Move any sharp objects or furniture away from your dog to prevent injury during the seizure. Keep them away from stairs or other dangerous areas.

3. Do Not Restrict Movement:

It’s essential not to hold your dog down or try to stop their movements during a seizure. Let the seizure run its course.

4. Create a Quiet Environment:

Reduce noise and keep the surroundings calm. Turn off the TV or radio and dim the lights if possible.

5. Avoid Disturbing Your Dog:

Do not try to touch or hold your dog unless necessary. Seizures can be disorienting, and touching them might make it worse.

6. Protect Their Head:

If your dog is thrashing around, gently place a soft cushion or folded towel under their head to prevent injury.

7. Monitor Breathing:

Make sure your dog can breathe properly during the seizure. If their breathing seems compromised, gently extend their head and neck to open their airway.

8. Do Not Offer Food or Water:

Avoid giving your dog food or water until they have fully recovered from the seizure. They might choke if they eat or drink during or immediately after a seizure.

9. Stay with Your Dog:

Stay by your dog’s side until the seizure is over. Reassure them with a calm voice once it has stopped.

10. Contact Your Vet:

After the seizure, contact your veterinarian for guidance. They can advise you on any necessary steps to take and may recommend bringing your dog in for a checkup.

11. Consider Triggers:

Try to identify any potential triggers for your dog’s seizures, such as certain foods or activities, and avoid them if possible.


In conclusion, knowing how to stop seizures in dogs immediately is important for their safety and well-being. By staying calm, removing potential dangers, and providing support, you can help your furry friend through a seizure episode. Always consult with your veterinarian to develop a plan tailored to your dog’s needs and to ensure they receive the best care possible. With proper preparation and quick action, you can effectively manage seizures and keep your dog safe.


Hello there! I'm Madhav Mantri, the person behind this PetSavvy Solution blog. I'm a digital marketer and a pet enthusiast too! I spend my time making sure everything here is interesting and helpful for you and your pets. I love sharing cool stuff about pets, from the latest trends to heartwarming stories and useful tips to keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

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