5 Basic Dog Commands to Teach Your Puppy

Basic Dog Commands

Training your puppy is like starting on a thrilling adventure together. It requires time, patience, and lots of love, but the bond you’ll form with your dog is priceless. Learning basic dog commands is a crucial part of your puppy’s development, helping them become well-behaved companions.

So, let’s dive into the world of dog training and explore five essential commands: “come,” “lay down,” “sit,” “stay,” and “leave it.”

Importance of Teaching Dog Commands to Your Puppy

Before we delve into the specifics of each command, let’s understand why teaching dog commands is so vital for your puppy’s well-being. Teaching basic dog commands keeps your puppy’s mind active and engaged, preventing boredom and promoting mental stimulation. Moreover, it teaches them proper behavior, fostering a harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend.

Safety is another critical aspect of teaching these basic commands. When your puppy learns to obey commands like “come” and “stay,” they’re less likely to engage in risky behaviors such as darting into traffic or approaching unfamiliar dogs. Additionally, training instills discipline and self-control in your puppy, which are invaluable traits for navigating various situations in life.

5 Basic Dog Commands to Teach Your Puppy

1.  Come

The “come” command is probably one of the most important commands your puppy should learn. It ensures they return to you when called, promoting safety and allowing for enjoyable outings. Here’s how to teach it:

  • Begin by putting a leash on your puppy to maintain control.
  • Say “come” in a friendly, upbeat tone and gently guide them towards you using the leash.
  • When your puppy reaches you, reward them with treats and lavish praise.
  • Practice this command in different environments and gradually reduce reliance on the leash.

2. Lay Down

Teaching your puppy to lay down is a bit more challenging but achievable with patience. Follow these steps:

  • Hold a tasty treat in your hand and allow your puppy to sniff it.
  • Slowly lower your hand to the ground, encouraging them to follow.
  • Once your puppy lies down completely, say “down” and reward them with the treat.
  • Repeat this process consistently, understanding that it may take time for your puppy to grasp the command fully.

3. Sit

The “sit” command is relatively straightforward and serves as a foundational skill in your puppy’s training. Here’s how to teach it:

  • Hold a treat in front of your puppy’s nose, allowing them to sniff it.
  • Gradually lift your hand, prompting your puppy to follow the treat and naturally assume a sitting position.
  • As soon as your puppy sits, say “sit” and reward them with the treat.
  • Practice this command regularly to reinforce the behavior.

4. Stay

Once your puppy has mastered sitting, you can introduce the “stay” command. Follow these steps:

  • Ask your puppy to sit in a calm and gentle manner.
  • Extend your hand towards them, palm facing outward, and say “stay” in a firm but friendly tone.
  • Initially, reward your puppy for staying in place for short durations, gradually increasing the time as they improve.
  • Practice this command in various settings to strengthen your puppy’s obedience.

5.  Leave It

The “leave it” command is essential for curbing unwanted behaviors, particularly if your puppy is prone to searching  or grabbing objects. Here’s how to teach it:

  • Hold a desirable treat in your hand and show it to your puppy.
  • Say “leave it” firmly as you close your hand around the treat.
  • If your puppy attempts to grab the treat, gently redirect their attention away from it.
  • Once your puppy refrains from trying to access the treat, reward them with praise and a different treat.
  • Practice this command regularly, gradually increasing the difficulty by placing treats on the ground or using more enticing items.


Training your puppy basic dog commands is a fulfilling journey that strengthens your bond and equips them with essential life skills. By patiently teaching them commands like “come,” “lay down,” “sit,” “stay,” and “leave it,” you’re setting them up for success in various situations. Remember to approach training with positivity, consistency, and a whole lot of love. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll have a well-behaved and happy companion by your side every step of the way.

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Hello there! I'm Madhav Mantri, the person behind this PetSavvy Solution blog. I'm a digital marketer and a pet enthusiast too! I spend my time making sure everything here is interesting and helpful for you and your pets. I love sharing cool stuff about pets, from the latest trends to heartwarming stories and useful tips to keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

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