What Do Puppy Teeth Look Like When They Fall Out?

Puppy Teething

The sight of your puppy losing their baby teeth is a sure sign they’re growing up! But what do puppy teeth look like when they fall out? And what should you expect during this process? 

This blog post will answer all your questions about puppy teething, from the appearance of the teeth to the timeline of their loss.

What Do Puppy Teeth Look Like?

Puppy teeth, also called baby teeth, are much smaller and pointier than grown-up dog teeth. They are super white and don’t have big roots because they get absorbed when the adult teeth start growing in the jawbone. 

That’s why puppy teeth get loose and fall out – to make room for the bigger, stronger adult teeth. So, when you see your puppy’s teeth wiggling, it means they’re getting ready for a change, just like when kids lose their baby teeth!

There are 28 puppy teeth in total, and they fall out in the following order:

Incisors: The incisors are the front teeth, and they usually fall out between 12 and 16 weeks of age.

Canines: The canines are the fang teeth, and they usually fall out between 16 and 24 weeks of age.

Premolars: The premolars are the back teeth, and they usually fall out between 24 and 32 weeks of age.

When Puppy Teeth Fall Out

Around the age of 4 months, something exciting begins to happen with your furry friend – their puppy teeth start to make way for the more robust adult teeth. The process of losing these baby teeth usually kicks off with the incisors, those tiny front teeth, being the first ones to bid farewell. Following them, the canines (the pointy ones) and the premolars (those flat teeth in the back) take their turn in the tooth-changing parade.

This whole tooth transformation journey doesn’t happen overnight; it’s like a gradual process. From the first wiggles of the incisors to the final goodbyes from the premolars, the entire puppy tooth loss journey typically lasts until your pup is around 7 months old. So, if you notice little teeth scattered around or find them in your pup’s chew toys, it’s all part of the natural and exciting progression from puppyhood to adulthood!

If you’re concerned about your puppy’s teething, it’s always a good idea to talk to your veterinarian.

Common Problems with Teething

Teething is a challenging phase for puppies, and it comes with its fair share of discomforts. Here are some common issues that often accompany the teething process:

Chewing: Teething puppies often resort to chewing on anything they can find. This behavior helps them relieve the pain and discomfort caused by their emerging teeth. It’s not uncommon to find them gnawing on toys, furniture, or even your favorite pair of shoes.

Drooling: Teething can turn your puppy into a bit of a drool machine. You might notice more saliva than usual as they navigate through the discomfort of new teeth pushing their way through their gums. It’s a messy but natural part of the teething process.

Loss of Appetite: The pain associated with teething can sometimes lead to a temporary loss of appetite in puppies. The discomfort in their mouths may make them less interested in eating, but this is usually a passing phase as their new teeth emerge.

Swollen Gums: As the teeth make their way to the surface, the gums surrounding them may become swollen and reddish. This is a visible sign of the teething process and indicates the active growth of new teeth.

Irritability: Teething can make puppies feel a bit on edge. They might become more irritable and cranky during this time. Just like when humans experience discomfort, puppies can display mood changes as they cope with the sensations in their mouths.

How to Help Your Puppy Through Teething

Supporting your puppy through the teething process involves a variety of simple and effective strategies:

Chew Toys for Relief: Introduce chew toys made from safe materials like rubber or nylon. These toys not only keep your puppy entertained but also provide a satisfying chewing experience that helps alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with teething.

Gentle Gum Massages: Ease your puppy’s discomfort by gently massaging their gums with your finger or a clean washcloth. The gentle pressure can provide relief and make the teething experience more bearable for your furry friend.

Cold Food Soothes: Incorporate cold or chilled food into your puppy’s diet. The cool temperature can help numb their gums, offering a natural and soothing remedy for teething discomfort.

Chewable Ice Cubes: Offer your puppy ice cubes to chew on. The chilly sensation can provide additional relief to their gums and serve as a refreshing way to ease the irritation caused by teething.

Regular Exercise: Ensure your puppy gets plenty of exercise to help tire them out. Physical activity not only promotes overall well-being but can also reduce excessive chewing behavior associated with teething. A tired puppy is often a less restless one, making the teething phase more manageable for both you and your pet.


Teething is a completely normal part of a puppy’s growth journey, and it’s crucial to approach this phase with patience and care. Just like human babies, puppies experience discomfort as their tiny teeth come in, and they seek relief by chewing on things. To make this period smoother for your furry friend, there are several helpful things you can do.

If you ever find yourself unsure about your puppy’s teething process or if they seem to be having a hard time, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian. They can offer guidance, check for any potential issues, and provide suggestions tailored to your puppy’s specific needs.


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Hello there! I'm Madhav Mantri, the person behind this PetSavvy Solution blog. I'm a digital marketer and a pet enthusiast too! I spend my time making sure everything here is interesting and helpful for you and your pets. I love sharing cool stuff about pets, from the latest trends to heartwarming stories and useful tips to keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

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