A Complete Guide on How to Train A German Shepherd

How to Train A German Shepherd

German Shepherds are famous for being smart, loyal, and adaptable, which is why many people love them as pets. But because they’re so clever and energetic, they need good training to be polite and friendly. This guide will show you how to train German Shepherd well.

First, it’s crucial to start training your German Shepherd early so they learn good habits from the beginning. Teaching them basic commands like sit, stay, and come will help them understand what you want. Consistency is key – make sure everyone in your household uses the same commands and rules so your dog doesn’t get confused. Additionally, positive reinforcement, like treats or praise, is a great way to encourage good behavior. With patience and dedication, your German Shepherd can become a well-behaved and loving companion.

Understanding Your German Shepherd:

Understanding Your German Shepherd

Before diving into training, it’s crucial to understand the breed’s characteristics. German Shepherds are highly intelligent, eager to please, and possess a strong work ethic. They thrive on mental stimulation and physical activity. Additionally, they are loyal and protective, making them excellent guard dogs and family pets. However, without proper training and socialization, their protective instincts can lead to aggression or behavioral issues.

Basic German Shepherds Training Principles

German Shepherds Training Principles

Start Early:

Begin training your German Shepherd as soon as you bring them home. Early socialization and obedience training are essential for shaping their behavior.

Positive Reinforcement:

Use rewards such as treats, praise, and playtime to encourage desired behaviors. German Shepherds respond well to positive reinforcement and thrive on the opportunity to earn rewards.


Be consistent in your commands and expectations. German Shepherds are quick learners but can become confused if rules are inconsistent. Consistently using the same commands and expectations will help them understand what is expected of them.

Patience and Persistence:

Training a German Shepherd takes time and dedication. Be patient and persistent, and don’t get discouraged by setbacks. Consistent training and positive reinforcement will lead to success in shaping their behavior.

Basic German Shepherd Training Commands:


Teaching your German Shepherd to sit is one of the first commands you’ll want to tackle. To start, hold a tasty treat just above their nose. Slowly move the treat back over their head, which will naturally cause their bottom to lower into a sitting position. As they sit, say the word “sit” clearly and then reward them with the treat.

Repeat this process several times until they start associating the word “sit” with the action of sitting down. This command helps in controlling your dog’s movements and can be useful in various situations, like when greeting people or waiting for food.


Training your German Shepherd to stay in one place is important for their safety and your convenience. Begin by asking your dog to sit or lie down. Once they’re in position, say the word “stay” in a firm but friendly tone. Start with short distances and gradually increase the duration. You can take a step back and gradually increase the distance as they get better at staying put.

It’s crucial to reward them for staying in place, even if it’s just for a few seconds at first. With consistent practice, your dog will learn to stay put even when faced with distractions or tempting situations.


Teaching your German Shepherd to come when called is vital for their safety and your peace of mind. Start in a quiet, low-distraction environment. Get down to their level and use an upbeat, cheerful tone of voice to call them to you, saying their name followed by the command “come.” You can encourage them by clapping your hands or patting your legs.

When they respond and come to you, reward them generously with treats, praise, and affection. This command is essential for gaining control over your dog, especially when they’re off-leash or in potentially dangerous situations.


Training your German Shepherd to lie down on command is useful for various situations, such as calming them down or keeping them from jumping on people. Begin by holding a treat in your hand and luring your dog into a lying position by moving your hand towards the ground. As they follow the treat and lie down, say the word “down” clearly. Once they’re in the down position, reward them with the treat and praise.

Repeat this process several times until they understand the command. It’s essential to be patient and consistent while training, as some dogs may take longer to grasp certain commands than others.

Advanced Training Techniques for German Shepherds

Advanced Training Techniques for German Shepherds

Leash Training:

Leash training is crucial for managing the strength and energy of German Shepherds. Begin by introducing the leash gradually, allowing them to get used to it at their own pace. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or praise to reward them for walking calmly beside you.

Consistency and patience are key; practice short sessions frequently to reinforce good leash manners.


Exposing your German Shepherd to various people, animals, and environments from a young age helps them develop confidence and adaptability. Take them to different places such as parks, busy streets, or pet-friendly stores.

Encourage positive interactions with strangers and other animals, and always supervise to ensure safety. Early socialization helps prevent fearfulness and aggression towards unfamiliar situations later in life.

Obedience Classes:

Enrolling your German Shepherd in obedience classes led by professional trainers offers structured training and socialization opportunities. These classes teach essential commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel, as well as addressing common behavioral issues like jumping or pulling on the leash.

Additionally, interacting with other dogs in a controlled environment helps improve their social skills and manners.

Mental Stimulation:

German Shepherds are highly intelligent dogs that thrive on mental challenges. Incorporate activities that engage their minds, such as puzzle toys, scent games, or obedience exercises. Teach them new tricks or commands to keep their brains active and stimulated.

Interactive playtime with you, such as hide-and-seek or fetch, can also provide mental stimulation while strengthening your bond. Remember to rotate toys and activities regularly to prevent boredom and keep them interested.

Addressing German Shepherds Behavioral Issues


When your German Shepherd shows signs of aggression, like growling or biting, it’s crucial to get help from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. Aggression can happen because your dog feels scared, wants to protect its territory, or hasn’t learned how to behave around other dogs or people.

It’s important to deal with aggression early on so that it doesn’t become a bigger problem.

Separation Anxiety:

German Shepherds are known for being very loyal to their owners, which can sometimes make them anxious when they’re left alone. This is called separation anxiety. To help your dog feel more comfortable when you’re not around, you can gradually get them used to being alone for short periods of time.

You can also give them toys or puzzles to keep them occupied and make sure they get plenty of exercise and attention when you are together.


German Shepherds are known for their protective nature, which can sometimes lead to excessive barking. If your dog is barking too much, try to figure out what’s causing it. It could be that they’re bored, scared, or trying to get your attention. Once you understand why they’re barking, you can use positive reinforcement to teach them to be quiet when they’re supposed to be.

This might involve giving them treats or praise when they’re quiet and ignoring them when they bark unnecessarily.


Training a German Shepherd requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. By understanding their breed characteristics and employing effective training techniques, you can nurture a well-behaved and happy companion. Remember to start early, be patient, and seek professional guidance if needed. With dedication and love, your German Shepherd can become a model canine citizen and cherished family member.


Hello there! I'm Madhav Mantri, the person behind this PetSavvy Solution blog. I'm a digital marketer and a pet enthusiast too! I spend my time making sure everything here is interesting and helpful for you and your pets. I love sharing cool stuff about pets, from the latest trends to heartwarming stories and useful tips to keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

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